Travel Enrollment Status in SAFE

The Travel Enrollment Status in a SAFE project reflects the student's compliance with University Travel Policy requiring travel enrollment. All members of the Princeton University community are required to enroll the details of their University-sanctioned travel, whether domestic or international. If the student is receiving SAFE funding in support of an activity that includes or requires travel, they are required to complete a travel enrollment in Enroll My Trip (EMT). SAFE funding administrators should not pay awards until they have confirmed that travel enrollment is complete. Questions about travel enrollment or the policy should be directed to Global Safety and Security (

How are SAFE and EMT linked?

If a student's SAFE project location is "Off Campus Domestic" or "Off Campus International" (i.e. not "On Campus"), the SAFE system automatically applies a travel enrollment status of "Travel Enrollment Incomplete". 

When a student starts a travel enrollment in EMT, they need to answer questions related to their trip as well as questions related to SAFE Funding. The first SAFE question is:

Have you applied for or been awarded funding via SAFE for this trip? (y/n)

If they answer "yes", they see additional questions in which they need to enter the SAFE project ID(s) for each related SAFE project. The SAFE project ID is unique to each project and displayed prominently in the student's view of their SAFE projects.

Once a student completes all requirements for the trip enrollment AND the trip has a status of "approved" or "no approval needed", EMT sends a message to SAFE and the Travel Enrollment Status in the related SAFE project(s) is updated to "Travel Enrollment Complete" within 5 minutes. 

If the student answered "no" to the first question in the SAFE form, above, the student will not see the additional SAFE questions and will not be prompted to enter the SAFE project ID. Sometimes, administrators may be planning to offer funder initiated awards. If the student completes their trip enrollment prior to receiving a funder-initiated award, they will not have the SAFE project ID and will likely not enter it into their trip enrollment. For this reason, it is a best practice for administrators to offer awards in SAFE as early as possible. Note, awards can be paid at a later date but the initial award offer should be made early. In addition, students can and should go back into their travel enrollment to edit the SAFE Funding form to add SAFE project IDs as they become known.

The student says they have completed the enrollment but the SAFE project still says Travel Enrollment Incomplete. Why may this be?

There are several reasons why this could occur. 

  1.  The student did not complete all of the requirements in the travel enrollment. The student should log in to EMT to ensure that all requirements are complete.
  2.  The student did not enter the related SAFE project ID(s) into their travel enrollment or entered an incorrect SAFE project ID. The student should log into SAFE and note all related SAFE project IDs. Then the student should log into EMT, open the SAFE funding form and change/enter the related SAFE project IDs. 
  3. The student completed all requirements for their travel enrollment and correctly entered SAFE project IDs but the enrollment is pending GS&S approval. GS&S review can take several days/weeks depending upon the risk level of the destination, mitigation requirements, as well as the volume of enrollments pending review. 

The student's SAFE project shows "Travel Enrollment Incomplete" but the student is not traveling or is only traveling locally to their campus or permanent residence. How do we correct this?

As stated above, the Travel Enrollment Status Incomplete is applied based on the SAFE project location. There is currently no remote location option nor can the system discern local travel from other domestic travel. If you can confirm that the student is doing a remote activity or commuting locally only, please contact to request that the Travel Enrollment status be changed to "Not Applicable".