The Outages & Alerts Page
To access the Princeton Service Portal Outages & Alerts page:
On the Outages & Alerts page, you can select the available tabs to see the below outages and alerts. If you are logged into the Service Portal, you can select individual outages to see additional details.
- Current Outages: shows both planned and unplanned outages impacting the University.
- Future Outages: shows planned outages scheduled in the near future.
- Alerts: shows important University messages.
- Phishing Attempts: shows active phishing emails reported by the University community.
- Legitimate Emails: shows legitimate emails recently sent to the University community.
- Calendar: shows a calendar view of past, present, and future outages.
Viewing Outages & Alerts from Fulfiller View
If you have access to ServiceNow as a Fulfiller, you can also view outage and alert information from fulfiller view.
- On the left navigation, go to Outage > All to see all outages and alerts (or select the specific type).
Fulfillers can also see a list view of outages specific to a particular business service or application from within an incident record. To view outages for the Impacted Business Service/Application associated with an incident:
- Select the Show Outages button (triangle with exclamation point) on the right of the Impacted Business Service/Application field.
Subscribe to Major Incident and Outage SMS notifications
You can subscribe to receive SMS notifications on your mobile device for Major Incidents and Outages:
KB0011965: ServiceNow: Subscribe to OIT Unplanned Outage Notifications