Accepting or Deferring an Offer of Admission to the Graduate School

How to Accept

You must accept your admission offer online; contacting the Graduate School or department will not serve as an admission offer acceptance. To accept your offer of admission, log into PeopleSoft with your Princeton NetID and password.

Acceptance Deadline

If you receive an offer of admission, The Graduate School must receive your submitted acceptance by April 15, 11:59 p.m. ET or the offer of admission may be rescinded. Additionally, an offer of admission may be rescinded based on the Policy on Rescinding an Offer of Admission.

Council of Graduate Schools

Princeton is a member of the Council of Graduate Schools and subscribes to its agreement regarding this reply date. You may only accept one offer of admission to one institution. In the event you accept an offer and decide to change your decision after April 15, you will need to be released from the institution of original acceptance before accepting another offer. To request a release from Princeton, please contact us at and include the reason for this request.

Deferral Requests

In general the Graduate School does not grant deferrals. However, there may be circumstances when a defer request is considered. If granted, the deferral is normally for one year only; you are expected to have accepted Princeton’s offer of admission and support. Accordingly, if you request and are approved to defer admission you are considered under an obligation to enroll and attend the graduate program the following year.

Further Reading

Refer to the Graduate School Deferring Admission policy for more information.