The Zoom Desktop Client has 4 tabs at the top that will allow you to access different segments of the client.
· Home
· Chat
· Meetings
· Contacts
This display will present the following
From this window you may see the meetings scheduled within Outlook, if you have already synced your calendar in Zoom.
(See more about syncing calendars within Zoom)
The four options on the left allow you to the following:
This will start an instant Zoom Meeting based on your New Meeting settings.
This is a quick way to start a Zoom meeting.
To update select the triangle beside New Meeting and choose from the options
Deselecting your PMI will utilize the Automatic generated Meeting Ids.
This button is an option to enter a meeting id for Zoom that you wish to join
This button allows you schedule a Zoom Meeting directly from your Zoom Desktop Client.
Note there are many settings that are set by default according to your Zoom Profile, but can be overridden when scheduling.
Scheduling on Behalf of Another? (Learn More)
If someone else has granted you access to schedule on behalf of them, you can select their account from the drop down under
and it will pull the defaults and schedule on that persons Zoom Account.
This button allows you to join a meeting without Audio and Video enabled to share your screen.
This is useful in a meeting room that already has a Zoom connection into the same meeting (or a Zoom Room).
Simply select the Share Screen option and enter the Sharing Key (on the home screen of the Zoom Room) or the meeting Id of the Zoom Meeting you are looking to share into.
The Chat tab will allow you to lookup and chat with anyone in the Princeton Zoom tenant.
Within the Search field at the top, begin typing the name of the individual you are wishing to chat with.
The client will return the options, choose the one and it will open up a window to begin chatting with them.
The first contact may prompt you to Say Hi
You can also collaborate here by using the File Share option at the bottom.
Uploading files into the Chat for the other user to see and collaborate with.
Under the Meetings tab, it will post your integrated meetings through Outlook as well as any scheduled Zoom meetings.
If you have not yet integrated your calendar for Zoom, it will only display the upcoming scheduled Zoom meetings on your account.
Note that if you have been granted Schedule rights to someone elses Zoom Account, those meetings will also show up here.
You can turn them on or off, by selecting the Drop Down at the top of the left pane to show Meeting Hosted by
To only display your meetings, select me for this option.
This tab will allow you to manage your contacts within Zoom.
You can choose persons from the Company Contacts tab, or by searching in the field and add them as a Starred Contact. This will allow them to always be present at the top of your Contacts.
This is handy for frequent chats with individuals.
Select the contact and click the … and Star this Contact
You can also update the settings on your client
Click the Gear Wheel icon in the right hand corner of the client, from the home page
Learn More about the Zoom Desktop Client Settings