Syncing Outlook Calendar Into Zoom

Syncing Outlook Calendar Into Zoom

Syncing Calendar

To sync your Outlook calendar into Zoom, follow the steps below:

Navigate to your Zoom Web Profile

Once you have authenticated through CAS, it will display your settings for your profile as well as all the options for Zoom.

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On the Zoom Profile page for your login, scroll down to the bottom section of Others

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Click the Configure Calendar and Contacts Service

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Select Office 365 and click Next

Click Authorize on the next page

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If you are already signed into your Princeton Account on the browser, you will just need to select that account from the options.
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If you are not already logged in, enter your email address in this field and select next.

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It will update to the Princeton CAS Domain and request your Password

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Enter those credentials and select Sign In

Note you may be prompted to go through the DUO steps to authenticate.

Accept the Permissions from Zoom

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It will authenticate and refresh to your Zoom Profile page.
You can scroll down to the Others section to confirm that it’s integrated your calendar with Zoom.

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Open your Zoom Desktop client and if you are already logged in, you may need to sign out* and back in to see the meeting refreshed on the Client.

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*To Sign Out click on your initials or Profile picture in the top right hand corner of the Zoom desktop client.

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Choose Sign Out from the last option.

Sign Back into the client to see the updates on your account.