Focus Mode in Zoom

Focus Mode in Zoom


Focus Mode in Zoom

The Focus Mode feature is a setting that Princeton Zoom Users can enable.
When Focus Mode is enabled for a Zoom Meeting, it creates an experience much like a Zoom Webinar, allowing all the participants to see only the video of the host and co-hosts.


Enabling Focus Mode for your Princeton Zoom Profile

To enable the focus mode feature within Zoom, users will need to visit their Profile Setting page

The user will need to navigate to the In Meeting (Advanced) section, and there they will find the setting Focus Mode that can be toggled on to enable the feature.

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Once this setting is toggled on, the user can initiate the Focus Mode feature within any of their Zoom Meetings.

Enabling Focus Mode while in a Zoom Meeting

The user may need to enable Focus Mode while in a Zoom meeting.
Once the meeting has been started, as the host, the user can click on the More … option within their Zoom Client control buttons and select to start Focus Mode.

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It will prompt for confirmation.

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Turning Off Focus Mode

The user can click More ... to reveal the option to Stop Focus Mode. Once Focus Mode has stopped, all Participant videos will be visible again.

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Note - When Focus Mode is stopped, the host is unable to restart it without restarting the entire meeting.


Automatically Starting Focus Mode for Meetings:

Users may want to have the Focus Mode automatically start once their hosted Zoom meeting has started. To do this, the users can check the box under the setting within their profile page.

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“Allow host to enable focus mode when scheduling”


When the user is scheduling their Zoom Meeting (via Outlook Add-in/Plug-in, Zoom Web Portal, or the Zoom Desktop Client), the user will need to show options
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when scheduling a new meeting to enable the Focus Mode.

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These Zoom Meetings will not need the Focus Mode to be enabled manually in the meeting.

It will be enabled upon the start of the meeting.