I need a website. What are my options?

I need a website for...

University departments, programs, centers, labs, or conferences

Student organizations or department-sponsored blogs

Project teams or department intranets

Class assignments or a place to learn web scripting

Showing my academic work

Course(s) that I’m teaching

Research projects


Additional Options

Database-driven department web applications

Dedicated server hosting


Retired Website Services


Third Party Options

Note: You are strongly encouraged to choose the University’s supported options, in which the University is responsible for your website support, hosting, and platform security. If you choose to build your website outside the University, you are 100% responsible for the website’s maintenance, support, compliance, and security.

See Websites Hosted by a Third Party (login required) for more information.


Help Choosing an Option

The University offers several options for creating websites. When deciding on the best option for your needs, consider the following:

If code maintenance and accessibility are not your strength, OIT offers no to low-effort solutions for these requirements. Please contact webservices@princeton.edu if you would like to discuss the options.  


NOTE: For website domain names, refer to the Domain Name Policy.