Who can access Princeton Google Drive?
- All undergraduate students have Google Drive accounts created automatically.
- All faculty and staff, in addition to graduate students admitted prior to 2019 can request Princeton Google Drive accounts. Refer to Princeton Google Drive for Faculty, Staff, and Graduate Students
- Newly admitted graduate students are automatically provisioned for Princeton Google.
How do I access Princeton Google Drive?
- Open your browser and navigate to https://drive.google.com
- Click on Go to Google Drive
- Enter your full Princeton email address (netid@princeton.edu) in the Email or Phone field, click Next
- In the Central Authentication Service (CAS) window, enter your netID and password. Do not use @princeton.edu in this step.
- Respond to the Duo prompt. See www.princeton.edu/duo for more information.
What types of data can I store on Princeton Google Drive?
All Princeton Google users are expected to access/use Princeton Google services responsibly. Please see Princeton Google Drive for Faculty, Staff, and Graduate Students to review the Princeton University Information Technology Policy, the Google Apps Acceptable Use Policy and Google Apps Usage Guidelines.
Also reference:
How do I use Google Drive?
Google has extensive Drive help documentation with easy to follow instructions.