Connect to Princeton Wireless Network

Should I use Eduroam or PUVisitor?

I am Princeton Faculty, Student or Staff

All faculty, students and staff should connect their devices to eduroam as their primary wireless network. You may also use eduroam when you visit other institutions.  

Refer to: Connect to Eduroam Wireless

I am Visitor, Guest or Alumni

Alumni, visitors and guests may connect to wireless via puvisitor. When you attempt to connect, you will be directed to a registration portal.  All visitors are required to register using a valid email address or cell phone number. Once you log into the portal, you may use puvisitor for 13 months on up to 5 devices.


  1. Enter your name. Your mobile phone number is optional.
  2. Enter a  valid email address. We will send your password to this email address.
  3. Read and accept the terms of use. 

I am Visiting from another Institution

If you are a visitor or guest from another institution, and your institution is in the eduroam network, connect using eduroam.

Note: For best results, you should have first authenticated to eduroam at your home institution prior to visiting Princeton.


Before leaving your home institution:

  1. Configure your device use eduroam. This will be helpful in case you require assistance from your home institution's IT support.

Upon arrival at Princeton:

  1. Select eduroam from your device's available wifi networks
  2. Your device should authenticate to eduroam seamlessly.

I Live on Campus (Residential)

If you are living on campus, follow these instructions for connecting residential devices to wireless.

Connect to Wireless Network: Residential

About Eduroam

Princeton University is a participant in the international eduroam network access service. This service allows members from participating institutions to gain instant and secure access to the eduroam wireless network using credentials from a participating home institution.

If you are eduroam-enabled and you have authenticated at your home institution, the eduroam wireless connectivity at Princeton is seamless and invisible to you. For Princeton faculty, students and staff, you can travel the world and use eduroam for wireless connectivity at all eduroam participating partners.



I want to Print and Hang a Quick Reference Card

For Faculty/ Staff

Connect to Wireless Printable Reference for Faculty, Staff, Students