PRE-WORK - Log in to Zoom for the first time
These steps are only necessary if you have never logged in to your Zoom account at Princeton University before. If you have used Zoom at Princeton University in the past, you do not need to complete these steps and may proceed to PART ONE below.
- Open a new browser tab.
- Go to
- Click the "Sign in" button.

- Enter your Princeton University NetID and Password.
- Once you've logged in to Zoom for the first time, you may close the browser tab and proceed to the steps below.
PART ONE - Make a recording with Zoom
- Access the Canvas course site into which you wish to add the recording, and make sure that Zoom is listed in your Course Navigation Menu.
- Click on the "Zoom" link in the Course Navigation Menu.
- When the Zoom page loads, click the "Schedule a New Meeting" button.

- On the following page, provide a topic, description, date, and duration (if applicable).

- Click the "Save" button after ensuring the following:
- That in the "Video" section, that video for "Host" is set to "On".
- That the "Record the meeting automatically" and the "On the local computer" checkboxes are checked

- Once your settings have been updated, the page will reload. Click the "Start this Meeting" button to launch the meeting.
- If Zoom is already installed on your computer, the app will launch automatically. If you've never used Zoom before, you will be prompted to download and install the app. If you are prompted to install and configure the Zoom app, do the following:
- Once the app has downloaded, follow the prompts to open and install the app. (NOTE: Prompts will vary by browser and operating system.)
- Once the installation is complete, a screen will appear prompting you to select the audio source you wish to use. Click the "Test Speaker and Microphone" link and follow the prompts displayed to confirm that your audio setup is correct.
- Once you've confirmed your audio setup, click the "Join with Computer Audio" button to begin.

- At this point, the Zoom meeting interface will launch. If you will be recording video from your webcam, and your video doesn't automatically start after Zoom launches, click the "Start Video" button.

- If you want to share materials that are on your computer screen (e.g., PowerPoint slides, web content, etc.)
- Click the "Screen Share" button in the Zoom toolbar.

- Select the window or application you'd like to display, then click the "Share" button.

- The shared window will have a green border. To end sharing, click the "Stop Share" button near the top of your screen.

- Click the "Record" button to begin recording. Please note, there is no countdown for this function, and recording will begin as soon as the button is clicked.

- To stop the recording and end the meeting, click the End Meeting button at the far right of the Zoom menu bar.
- In the dialog that appears, select "End Meeting for All" to close the meeting.

- Once the meeting has been ended, Zoom will convert your recording and save it the Documents\Zoom folder of your computer. Depending on the length of the recording, this conversion process could take some time to complete.

- When the conversion process is complete, the system's file manager (Explorer on PC or Finder on Mac) will load and show the location of the output files.
PART TWO - Uploading the recording to Kaltura (from Canvas)
- Log in to Canvas, navigate to the module where you wish to add the videos, and click the + icon.

- In the pop-up window that appears:
- Select "Page" from the "Add" dropdown menu.
- Click on "New Page" in the selection box.
- Enter a title in the "Page Name" field.
- Click the "Add Item" button.

- Click on the link to the page created in Step 2.

- When the new page loads, click the "Edit' button.

- Click the "Apps" icon in the Rich Content Editor (RCE) toolbar.

- From the "Select App" dropdown menu, click the "Embed Kaltura Media" link.

- When the "Embed Kaltura Media" screen loads, click the "+ Add New" button.

- From the dropdown menu, click the "Media Upload" button.

- On the "Embed Kaltura Media" screen, click the "+ Choose a file to upload" button.

- Navigate to the \Documents\Zoom folder on your computer, locate the folder where your recent recording was saved (the folder name will begin with the date and time the recording was made), then select the file named "zoom_0.mp4", then click the "Open" button.

- Once the upload is completed,
- Give the video a name.
- Enter a description of your video.
- click the "</> Save and Embed" button.

- This will return you to the Canvas content editor, where you will see either a thumbnail from the video or a notice that the file is being processed. Click the "Save and Publish" button to save your work and make the video available in your course.

BEST PRACTICE - Remove 'Panopto Video' link from course navigation menu
Since the University's Canvas environment is integrated with both the Panopto and Kaltura video repositories, we strongly recommend that instructors who are using Kaltura remove the Panopto Video link from their course navigation menu. This action may be performed by anyone with Course Builder, Instructional Staff, or Instructor level access to the course and will significantly reduce confusion for students.
To hide the Panopto link from the course navigation menu.
- Click on Settings in the course navigation menu
- On the Settings page, click on the Navigation tab,
- Locate the 'Panopto Video' entry in the list, then click the three dots to the right of that item.
- From the dropdown menu that appears, click the "Disable" link.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the 'Save' button.
(For more information on editing the course navigation menu, see the Canvas community article How do I manage Course Navigation links?)