Student Computer Purchase Recommendations AY23-24
Department shoppers and requisition creators can make computer purchases directly through the Prime MarketPlace. A select group of recommended bundles are available for departmental ordering as Managed Computer Environments kits.
Princeton University has established standards for computers purchased and used for University business. Selection of these configurations includes the considerations listed below. The purchase of non-standard computers is not recommended for these reasons. A decision to purchase a computer that is not consistent with the established standards should take into consideration the additional support issues associated with that computer.
Faculty Computer Program (FCP) Overview
Computers for personal use are not offered through the University. However, individuals are encouraged to consider Dell and Apple for personal purchases. Because everyone's personal computer use case is different, OIT cannot provide recommendations as to what to purchase. To browse product available from these vendors use the personalized portals linked below. You will need to identify first the state of New Jersey and then Princeton University to drill down to the offerings.
Please note that any purchase made on a personal credit card will not be reimbursed by the University. Specific pricing questions cannot be answered by the OIT as the prices and configurations change often and vary according to vendor standard and "special" offerings and availability of stock. It is advised that faculty and staff shop for the best deal using the links provided. Additionally, computers that are personally purchased by Faculty and Staff are not supported by university resources. All product support is through the computer vendor or via local computer stores such as the Apple Store or Best Buy "Geek Squad".
Princeton Software Center (Software purchases and licensing)