Canvas: How do I log in to Canvas?


Canvas works best with Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, and a complete list of supported browsers is on the Canvas Community Site.  For mobile devices, apps for Students and Instructors are available on iOS and Android environments.  For more information or to download the apps, see the Canvas: Mobile Apps KB article. 


Using your Princeton University NetID to access Canvas via web browser 

If you have a valid Princeton University NetID, you may log into Canvas by doing the following:

  1. Go to the Canvas@Princeton homepage at

  2. On the left-hand side of the screen, just beneath the header graphic, you will find the Canvas@Princeton logo and two buttons labeled "NetID" and "Other".  If you are a student, faculty, or staff member at Princeton University or have been provided a Princeton University GAP account, click the "NetID" button.

    Canvas @Princeton Net ID or Gap account selection screen.

    NOTE: If a login screen does not appear when you click on either option, it is possibly due to extensions installed on your web browser.  To bypass this problem, please disable any active browser extensions and refresh the page to try again.  

  3. When the Central Authentication Service page loads, enter your NetID and Password in the spaces provided and click the "Login" button.
    Princeton CAS Login

  4. Follow the prompts to complete Duo authentication. 
    (For issues with Duo authentication, see KB Article 13521.)

  5. Upon completion of Duo authentication, you will be taken into the Canvas environment where your Canvas Dashboard will be displayed.
    Canvas Dashboard.

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Using your Princeton University NetID to log in to the Canvas mobile app for students, faculty, and staff

Users with a valid Princeton University NetID may log in to the Canvas app on a mobile device by doing the following:

  1. Open the Canvas Student Canvas icon or Canvas Teacher Canvas Teacher App app on your iOS or Android device.  NOTE: Faculty and Instructional Staff should use the Canvas Teacher app.  All others should use the Canvas Student app. 

  2. When the app loads, tap the "Find My School" button.

  3. In the space provided, begin typing "Princeton University" until the University's name appears in the dropdown menu. 
    When you see the University's name, tap it to populate the field.
     "What's your school's name?" text area.

  4. This will load a screen from which you must select your login type. 
    Tap the Princeton NetID button to proceed.
    The NetID button to log in with your Princeton University net ID.

  5. When the Central Authentication Service page loads, enter your NetID and Password in the spaces provided and click the "Login" button.
    NetID login screen.

  6. Follow any additional prompts to complete Duo authentication.
    (For issues with Duo authentication, see KB Article 13521.)

  7. Once authentication is complete, your Canvas Dashboard will be displayed.
    Canvas app dashboard.

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Using your Canvas ID to access Canvas via web browser 

Community Auditors and other users without a valid Princeton University NetID may log into Canvas by doing the following:

  1. Go to the Canvas@Princeton homepage at

  2. On the left-hand side of the screen, just beneath the header graphic, you will find the Canvas@Princeton logo and two buttons labeled "NetID" and "Other". 
    Click the "Other" button to log in to Canvas with your Canvas ID.
    Canvas @Princeton Net ID or Other (Canvas ID) selection screen.

    NOTE: If a login screen does not appear when you click on either option, it is possibly due to extensions installed on your web browser.  To bypass this problem, please disable any active browser extensions and refresh the page to try again.  

  3. When the Canvas login page loads, enter your Canvas ID and Password in the spaces provided and click the "Login" button.

    NOTE:  If you are a community auditor and cannot log in to Canvas, contact the Princeton University Community Auditor Program office at (609) 258-0202 or email
    Canvas login screen.

  4. Your Canvas Dashboard will be displayed.
    Canvas Dashboard.

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Using your Canvas ID to access Canvas via mobile app 

Community Auditors and other users who do not have a Princeton University NetID may log into Canvas with the Canvas Student mobile app by doing the following:

    1. Open the Canvas Student Canvas icon app on your iOS or Android device.

    2. When the app loads tap the "Find My School" button.
      Canvas student splash page.

    3. In the space provided, begin typing "Princeton University" until the University's name appears in the dropdown menu. 
      When you see the University's name, tap it to populate the field.
      "What's your school's name?" text area.

    4. This will load a screen from which you must select your login type. 
      Tap the "Other" button to proceed.
      anvas @Princeton Net ID or Other (Canvas ID) selection screen.

    5. When the Canvas login page loads, enter your Canvas ID and Password in the spaces provided and click the "Log In" button.

      If you are a community auditor and cannot log in to Canvas, contact the Princeton University Community Auditor Program office at (609) 258-0202 or email

      Canvas login screen.

    6. Once authentication is complete, your Canvas dashboard will be displayed.
      Canvas app dashboard.


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